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A Modern-day Socrates

The National Post

Satish Kumar,


Much of our education is reduced to formal methods of information gathering. Here is a book which broadens the parameters and presents the Big Picture of education.  Read this book and you will discover many more ways of learning than a classroom and lessons can offer

Tim Grant,

Green Teacher

Good therapy if you feel trapped in your curriculum (or your classroom) and need a healthy dose of wild new age wisdom to revitalize your teaching.

Kathryn MacDuffee,

The Enterprise 

David Aubrey Berger, lecturer, former university professor and current head of the Living Education Institute, has written from his heart and soul about teaching and learning and living on this small planet. His message reaches the reader at that same level of heart and soul, and we know instantly that it is the Truth. 


I could not put the book down and read it from page 18 to finish in one evening while soaking in the jacuzzi.
It was perfect.

—  Millie,

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